We all have a vote with our consumer dollars. We can vote for compassion and enjoy the wide variety of plant-based alternatives in supermarkets and on menus. Or we can vote for complicity in the exploitation of children and animals. You don’t care about animals? Then let’s do it for the children.
Dogs and cats, OK. They may even be pampered members of our
But cows, chickens, turkeys and fishes? You might believe they were
put on Earth by God for us to eat. Or that most people are consuming
these animals’ flesh and secretions, so it must be alright. Vegans
know these are merely stories we tell ourselves to justify the
But children? Surely you care about children. On that we can all
And if you care about kids, that’s reason alone to forswear meat and
transition to a plant-based diet.
Say what?
If you’re asking, perhaps you missed the news report last week about
Packers Sanitation Services, a company that provides overnight
cleaning at hundreds of slaughterhouses across the country.
The U.S. Labor Department found that Packer was illegally employing
more than 30 children at just three of its locations. Several of
those children suffered chemical burns from the corrosive cleaners
they were required to use on overnight shifts.
Let this sink in. Children. Graveyard shifts. Chemical burns.
What will it take to motivate you to eat plants — to stop
subsidizing, with our consumer dollars, this unconscionable
exploitation of minors?
The children were cleaning kill floors, meat- and bone-cutting saws,
grinding machines and electric knives,
according to court documents.
This shouldn’t surprise you: Almost all of these children were
brown-skinned immigrants from Mexico, Central America and South
This isn’t just child exploitation. This is racism.
You may be thinking that this was an exception, an outlier. That’s
always the specious response we hear when abuses are uncovered at
slaughterhouses and factory farms.
Let’s not delude ourselves.
The Labor Department, in court filings, stated that this
exploitation of child labor is likely occurring at several other
Packer sites, besides the three at issue in this court case.
To Jews, this might sound all too familiar. The same thing was
happening at Agriprocessors, which was the largest kosher
slaughterhouse in the world until U.S. immigration agents shut it
down and obtained a criminal conviction against the company’s CEO.
Agriprocessors — located in Postville, IA — employed hundreds of
undocumented immigrants, many of whom were minors.
Why is this so common in animal agriculture?
Because these companies — Packers, Agriprocessors, and many like
them — are striving to keep costs down on the backs of the most
vulnerable people: immigrants, especially immigrant children.
These disgusting, soul-crushing jobs offer low pay and dangerous
working conditions. It can be hard to find Americans to do this
blood-soaked work. Undocumented immigrants, particularly children,
are the ideal employees in this sickening calculus.
If I sound angrier than usual, it’s because I am. Yes, the
unfathomably cruel treatment of animals in the meat, dairy and egg
industries bothers me greatly. This cruelty, which egregiously
violates the Torah mandate of tza’ar baalei chayim, is what prompted
me to go vegan in the first place. But the exploitation and
oppression of children? I’m a parent.
We all have a vote with our consumer dollars. We can vote for
compassion and enjoy the wide variety of plant-based alternatives in
supermarkets and on menus. Or we can vote for complicity in the
exploitation of children and animals
You don’t care about animals? Then let’s do it for the children.