A Meat and Dairy Article from All-Creatures.org

When you find out what gelatin is made of

From Vegano Bill
Facebook posting February 21, 2023

Animal remains arrive at gelatin facility. Rotted parts are discarded and the rest are sent through massive machines that chop the animal remains into tiny parts. 

gelatin is what?

Animals enter a slaughterhouse, are killed and their bones, tissues, and skins are sent to the gelatin facility.

Animal remains arrive at gelatin facility. Rotted parts are discarded and the rest are sent through massive machines that chop the animal remains into tiny parts.

The pieces are then sprayed with extremely high pressure water to clean them.

The animal bits are then bathed in hot water to remove the fat and grease (“degreasing”).

They’re then sent through a massive oven that dries and roasts them for a half an hour at about 200°F.

Next are the vats of acid (or alkali) where the animal remains will soak for around 5 days to remove bacteria and enable the collagen to be released.

They are then boiled while the plant workers use a tool to suck off the gelatin-containing liquid parts.

The gelatinous liquid is flash-heat sterilized for a few seconds, the liquid is piped through filters to separate out the gelatin, it goes though evaporator machines to produce solid gelatin.

The gelatin is passed through machines that press it into gelatin sheets (which can be further ground into a gelatin powder).

Gelatin can then be sold directly to manufacturing companies, or directly to consumer in the form of gelatin powder and gelatin sheets.

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