Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of the Whole of Creation: Humans - Animals - Environment
"And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.
And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day" (Genesis 1:31)
(Sumac (Rhus glabra) - 06)
In this view of the Rhus glabra sumac we get a clear look at the leaves and
leaflets. Some references say that the leaves grow alternately from the
branches, but as can be seen here, they seem to be growing more randomly. Each
leaf can grow to lengths of about 1.5 feet (50 cm.) and has between 11 and 31
leaflets, while other literature says 9-27. The leaf pointing to the 4:30
position has 19 leaflets.
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Sumac (Rhus glabra)
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Presented here are just a few of the countless components of God's creation. Just as we cannot have human and animal life without water and plants, neither can we have lasting peace without love and compassion. It is our hope and prayer that this series will motivate people to live and act in a cruelty-free manner; that we would no longer hurt or destroy each other, the animals or our environment.