Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum)Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum)
Wild Flowers of Sleepy Hollow Lake From Art and Photo Journals and Galleries Directory

Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of the Whole of Creation: Humans - Animals - Environment
"And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.
And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day" (Genesis 1:31)

Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum)
Table of Contents

Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 01
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 01)  Wild chives are one of the first appearing wildflowers in the spring, often appearing as tufts of grass.  The flowers begin to develop several weeks later.  This particular cluster of wild chives seems to have fallen over during a heavy rain.  The literature says that wild chives can grow to heights of two feet, but the ones we've seen were not much over one foot in height.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 01a
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 01a)  The leaves of the wild chives are long and narrow and come to a point at the top.  In cross-section, the leaves are hollow and oval shaped.  The younger leaves are flavorful and and make a nice addition to a salad or a dip.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 02
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 02)  The flower clusters of wild chives develop at the tip of stalks that resemble the leaves.  They are a member of the onion family (Allium), and as the name "sibiricum" implies, wild chives were first described in Siberia.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 03
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 03)  Wild chives grow from slender bulbs that are about one inch in length.  They seem to prefer moist well drained soil, but will grow even in clay soils.  Though we have seen wild chives growing in woods, we haven't observed any flowering of plants growing in shady places.  This particular plant was growing in bright sunlight.  We could not identify the dark speck on the flower cluster.  The flower clusters are about 3/4 to 1 inch across.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 03a
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 03a)  In this photo we get a closer look at the individual tiny wild chives flowers.  Each light purple flower has six petals, six stamens, and one pistil.  The stamens and pistil are easy to identify in the flower to the left of the dark speck.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 03b
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 03b)  The flowers of the wild chives are so densely packed together that it is hard to distinguish which petal belongs to which flower.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 03c
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 03c)  This is another bee's-eye view of some of the wild chives flowers.  There is a wonderful sense of both peace and awe when we observe the beauty of God's creation.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 04
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 04)  In this bee's-eye look into the bowl of a single wild chives flower, we can count the six petals.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 05
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 05)  In early spring, the wild chives grow up through last year's fallen leaves.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 06
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 06)  At a distance, wild chives look like a tuft of grass, but upon closer examination, the tubular stalks can be identified.  Also, at this stage of development, wild chives and garlic look very much alike.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 06a
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 06a)  In this photo, we have a closer look at the tubular stalks of the wild chives.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 07
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 07)  This clump of wild chives is in various stages of the blooming process from the newly developing buds to flowers that are beginning to open.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 08
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 08)  This is another look at some of the wild chives buds and flowers that are just beginning to open.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 08a
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 08a)  From our observations, it appears that wild chives do not have separate stems and leaves, but that any leaf it capable of producing a flower, as can be seen in the leaf tip of the leaf in the top center of the photo.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 08b
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 08b)  This photo gives us a closer look at one of the wild chives flower buds.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 09
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 09)  This wild chives flower cluster is just beginning to open.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 10
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 10)  These wild chives are beginning to bloom.
Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 11
(Chives, Wild (Allium schoenoprasum v. sibiricum) - 11)  This is a side view of a wild chives flower bud.

| Wild Flowers of SHL: Photo Identification, Common Name, Scientific Name | Art and Photos |

lamb-right lamb-left Presented here are just a few of the countless components of God's creation.  Just as we cannot have human and animal life without water and plants, neither can we have lasting peace without love and compassion.  It is our hope and prayer that this series will motivate people to live and act in a cruelty-free manner; that we would no longer hurt or destroy each other, the animals or our environment.