Wild Flowers of Sleepy Hollow LakePointed-leaf Tick Trefoil (Desmodium glutinosum)
Wild Flowers of Sleepy Hollow Lake From All-Creatures.org Art and Photo Journals and Galleries Directory

Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of the Whole of Creation: Humans - Animals - Environment
"And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.
And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day" (Genesis 1:31)

Pointed-leaf Tick Trefoil (Desmodium glutinosum)
Table of Contents

Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 01
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 01)  We spotted this patch of pointed-leaf tick trefoil growing along the side of the road on the edge of the woods.  Pointed-leaf tick trefoil is relatively rare, being found only occasionally in clearings or alongside drier areas of woods.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 02
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 02)  Pointed-leaf tick trefoil are members of the Pea family (Fabaceae).  They bloom from June to September, and can grow to heights of 1 to 3 feet (1 meter).  The 1/4 inch flowers grow on long slender leafless stalks.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 02a
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 02a)  The trifoliolate (3 leaflet) leaves of the pointed-leaf tick trefoil grow alternately on the stem, often in very close proximity, giving a whorled appearance.  When not in bloom, the broad pointed trifoliolate leaves blend very well with poison ivy.  Each leaf has one terminal leaflet followed by two side, opposite-growing leaflets.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 03
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 03)  The upper lip of these partially opened pointed-leaf tick trefoil flowers is broad with a single lobe.  The lower lip is composed of three lobes: a larger central lobe with two smaller lateral lobes.  In this photo, the lower lateral lobes are still wrapped around the central lobe.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 04
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 04)  In this photo, the lateral lobes of the lower lip of the pointed-leaf tick trefoil flower can be seen separating from the central lobe.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 05
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 05)  In this photo, we can see the pistil and stamens beginning to emerge from the top of the long tubular extension of the ovary.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 06
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 06)  The flowers of the pointed-leaf tick trefoil branch off from the flower stalk in pairs or whorls.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 07
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 07)  This is another photo of a part of the flower stalk of the pointed-leaf tick trefoil.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 08
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 08)  This is another photo of the pointed-leaf tick trefoil.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 08a
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 08a)  This bee's eye view of a pointed-leaf tick trefoil flower gives us a closer look at the ovarian tube with one pistil and three stamens.  We suspect that the darker line in front of the pistil is an undeveloped 4th stamen.  The upper lip petal forms a canopy over the stamens and pistil.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 09
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 09)  This is another view of the pointed-leaf tick trefoil's 1/4 inch flowers.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 10
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 10)  These are two more newly opening pointed-leaf tick trefoil flowers.
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 10a)  In all of the newly opening pointed-leaf tick trefoil flowers we observed, the pistil protruded to about its full length before the stamens began to emerge from the ovarian tube.  The anther atop one of the stamens can be seen just beginning to emerge from the ovarian tube.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 10b
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 10b)  The stamens of this pointed-leaf tick trefoil can be seen emerging from the ovarian tube.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 11
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 11)  In this photo, we are looking down at two of the pointed-leaf tick trefoil flowers.  At the bottom of the photo are the ends of three petals that make up the lower lip.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 12
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 12)  This is another view of a pointed-leaf tick trefoil flower.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 13
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 13)  In this bee's eye view of a pointed-leaf tick trefoil flower, we can see the open rounded stigma on top of the pistil and the beginning growth of the stamens.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 13a
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 13a)  This is another bee's eye view of a pointed-leaf tick trefoil flower.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 14
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 14)  We always marvel at the beauty and detail that God created in flowers like these 1/4 inch pointed-leaf tick trefoil flowers.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 16
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 16)  This is another patch of pointed-leaf tick trefoil.  This wildflower, a native of North America, grows all over the Eastern United States westward to North Dakota and Texas
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 17
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 17)  We like the "artistic mystique" of this photo of the pointed-leaf tick trefoil.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 18
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 18)  This photo shows one of the easier ways of identifying the pointed-leaf tick trefoil.  The three-leaflet leaves radiate from the main stem in an apparent whorl.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 19
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 19)  In this closer look at the junction of the pointed-leaf tick trefoil leaves with the main stem, we can see that they do not really grow out in a whorl, but are attached to the stem alternately in a closely grouped cluster.
Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 20
(Tick Trefoil, Pointed-leaf (Desmodium glutinosum) - 20)  This is another photo of a patch of pointed-leaf tick trefoil growing among other plants on the side of a wooded roadway.

| Wild Flowers of SHL: Photo Identification, Common Name, Scientific Name | Art and Photos |

lamb-right lamb-left Presented here are just a few of the countless components of God's creation.  Just as we cannot have human and animal life without water and plants, neither can we have lasting peace without love and compassion.  It is our hope and prayer that this series will motivate people to live and act in a cruelty-free manner; that we would no longer hurt or destroy each other, the animals or our environment.