Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana)Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana)
Wild Flowers of Sleepy Hollow Lake From Art and Photo Journals and Galleries Directory

Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of the Whole of Creation: Humans - Animals - Environment
"And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.
And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day" (Genesis 1:31)

Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana)
Table of Contents

Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 01
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 01)  The primary characteristic of the confederate violet is its purple veined white petals.  It is common in the South and relatively rare in the North.  There seems to be considerable discussion over how to arrive at the correct scientific name for the confederate violet.  Most people seem to agree that priceana is a form of the Viola sororia, and not a separate species, hence, the name listed above.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 02
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 02)  In this photo of the confederate violet, we can see the typical heart-shaped and tooth-edged basal leaves that are common to violets.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 03
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 03)  In this approximately fifteen times enlargement of the confederate violet, we can see some of the intricate detail of God's artistic creation.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 04
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 04)  This is a bee's eye view of the center of a confederate violet.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 05
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 05)  Is it a napkin holder? No! It's a confederate violet flower that is getting ready to open.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 06
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 06)  This is a twice actual size photo of a small patch of confederate violets.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 07
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 07)  This is another view of a confederate violet.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 07a
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 07a)  In this close up photo of a confederate violet, we can see the hooked flower stem behind the flower.  There is something about the way God designed this wild flower that just seems to always draw our attention to it.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 08
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 08)  This is another look at a confederate violet.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 09
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 09)  The confederate violet flowers are about ¾" across, and have 5 rounded petals; there are 2 upper petals, 2 lateral petals with white hairs (or beards) near the throat of the flower, and a lower petal that one writer refers to as functioning as a landing pad for visiting insects.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 10
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 10)  This confederate violet is just opening.  This petals are still somewhat curled, particularly the bottom petal.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 10a
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 10a)  This is a bee's eye view of the opening confederate violet.  Behind the five petals are five green sepals; the end of one of them can be seen between the upper petals.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 11
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 11)  This is a look at another newly opening confederate violet.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 12
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 12)  This is another look at a newly opening confederate violet.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 13
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 13)  This is a patch of confederated violets that graces the floor of the open woods.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 13a
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 13a)  This is a closer look at the patch of confederate violets as they emerge in the spring through the previous year's fallen leaves and pine needles.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 14
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 14)  This is a look at another small patch of confederate violets.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 14a
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 14a)  This is a closer look at a leaf and flower of the confederate violet.
Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 14b
(Confederate Violet (Viola sororia f. priceana) - 14b)  This is another look at a confederate violet.

| Wild Flowers of SHL: Photo Identification, Common Name, Scientific Name | Art and Photos |

lamb-right lamb-left Presented here are just a few of the countless components of God's creation.  Just as we cannot have human and animal life without water and plants, neither can we have lasting peace without love and compassion.  It is our hope and prayer that this series will motivate people to live and act in a cruelty-free manner; that we would no longer hurt or destroy each other, the animals or our environment.