Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of the Whole of Creation
"And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good.
And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day" (Genesis 1:31)
God's Other Creatures are our Animal Friends.
(Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) - 103a)
This young red fox seems to be still trying to nurse. Some people have remarked
that the color of these red foxes is "different". This is probably due to the
photos that they have seen of the brighter red coloration of the English red
fox. The American red fox coloration can vary from a pale yellowish red to a
deep reddish brown, and this is why its important to spot the other distinctive
color marking, which don't vary, such as the white tipped tail and the black
| Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) |
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Presented here are just a few of the countless components of God's creation. Just as we cannot have human and animal life without water and plants, neither can we have lasting peace without love and compassion. It is our hope and prayer that this series will motivate people to live and act in a cruelty-free manner; that we would no longer hurt or destroy each other, the animals or our environment.