The Spruce Cone
A Photo Journal and Gallery from
Dedicated to the Preservation and Restoration of the Whole of Creation:
Humans, Animals, and the Environment.
And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was
evening and there was morning, the sixth day" (Genesis 1:31)
The Spruce Cone
(click on the images to enlarge)
One of the interesting things about photography is that we often get some
pleasant surprises when we view the images. Such was the case here, where the
background looks like one painted by an Impressionist Artist. Obviously, they,
too, captured the work of the Master Artist, God, who created all things.
Spruce Cone: Below the Sky) As we go about each day, all things seem to
be below the sky, but as we look heavenward, we see the beauty that
transcends this hectic world of our own creation. This spruce bough of
needles and cones seems to reach upward toward a more perfect world of God's
creation. Let us resolve to enjoy the beauty of the Lord's handiwork while
protecting and preserving it.
Spruce Cone: Valentines to Her Children) It might seem strange to refer
to a spruce tree sending valentine cards or messages to her children, but it
really isn't when we take a closer look. The seeds and pollen of the
spruce are contained within the cones, and when the cones open, the seeds
are dispersed to begin new spruce trees. The spruce's valentine message for
each of her children (seeds) are written on the underside of each scale or
bract in the form of our traditional valentine heart. Another of God's
wonders to behold!
Presented here are just a few of the countless components of God's creation.
Just as we cannot have human and animal life without water and plants, neither
can we have lasting peace without love and compassion. It is our hope and
prayer that this series will motivate people to live and act in a cruelty-free
manner; that we would no longer hurt or destroy each other, the animals or our