Walterrean Salley poetry imageHis Presence
By Walterrean Salley
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

His Presence
By Walterrean Salley

His presence is with me
Though I do not see His face.
Jesus Christ is in my midst,
Giving power and grace.
I believe He’s here
Regardless how I feel;
He says, “I am with you.”
Jesus Christ is real.
Faith simply believes
What God’s Word cites.
And it is my endeavor
To walk by faith, not sight.
I believe that He is with me.
I cannot see His face,
But I feel His love and power,
And the shedding of His grace. 

© 2014 Walterrean Salley

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