Andrew PellAccept a Kiss from a Rose
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Accept a Kiss from a Rose
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

When you walk into a beautiful garden, do you hear the flowers talking to you?
They are communicating with you, but you must listen very carefully.
Open your third eye so you can clearly see and hear.
When you walk through a Rose Garden, the flowers are sending you a Kiss.
Accept the Kiss and send one back.
The Roses will psychically respond to you.
When we love someone we send that person a beautiful Rose.
It means we love that person and care for that person deeply.
Be responsive and affirmative.
Even a painting of a Rose will give you peace and tranquility.
There is a spiritual level in all of God’s creation.
God is the provider and gardener that comes from on high
To a sad and tired heart a Rose will renew and invigorate your spirit.
When you walk past a Rose garden stop and give thanks.
Their vibrations will filter through to you.
Accept and embrace a kiss from a Rose.

© Andrew Pell 16/11/2020

red rose

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