Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
I wonder what my cat thinks When he gazes at our world? And when he sleeps, what does he dream? Does he sense things we do not know? Does he know when we do wrong? Perhaps that's what he sings about To others in his song...
We're told they're dumb..their language Is different from our speech But we don't know what they know Even yet what they can teach? Many times I sit and notice The gaze of his blue eyes And wonder if he laughs within At human schemes and lies!
Does he know we kill his brothers Each and every day? It's really all human's fault But his brother's have to pay! We torture and we kill them There are always more to get For we live in a world Of the "throw-away-pet"!!
Oh! Sweet cat how I wish that We change for all of you For in our "land of plenty" This we need to do! STOP the wanton waste Of food and pets and such Especially throwing life away For life is worth so much!
We need to value all life forms In seas, in skies and sod.... We don't have a right to throw away That which is made by God! So little cat...it starts with you The task at hand is great... We had better learn this lesson 'Fore we come to your brother's fate....
(c) M. Linda Steffey 1990
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