Poems of compassion dedicated to the non-human animals who share this planet with us and the people who fight for them.
Carl is a contemptuous cunt claiming he is a carnivore.
Carl the, so called, carnivore consistently chewed chunks of, certain,
cooked creatures. Carl consumed chopped up chickens, cow milk & bovine
corpse CHEESEBURGERzzzz…Carl loved chomping on chops, chorizo, catfish,
corned beef, cheddar, cider braised cutlets, & slow cooked lamb curry. et
cetera et cetera
Isn’t it crystal clear that Carl’s concept of both carnivores and
cohabitation are convoluted?
Christ…come on.
At Carl’s core he’s a caveman. A coiffed, coddled, cellphone carrying,
clothed caveman.
Crap. Cracked. Crud. Criminal.
Crappy Carl was chewing on chicken chow mein when CNN ceased everything to
cover COVID-19. Coronavirus coverage consumed every channel. Carl
conjectured coronavirus was a complexly, coiled charade. Ca-ca. Until Carl
coughed his contagious corona cough.
Cocksucker, Carl cried.
Carl the contaminated, so called, carnivore chastised China! China’s the
culprit! China chewed on chunks of contagion covered corpses. Carl condemned
chinas culture cos of their choice of corpse to chew on.
Carl cursed China for such crude customs of consuming creatures Carl, and
Carl’s country, would never consume. Curious carrion carrying COVID-19! Carl
could certainly chow down a cow, but couldn’t comprehend chewing on a civet!
CRAZY! China’s customs are cruel cried Carl! Chewing on civets is NOT
correct! Chewing chunks of cow is considered copacetic!
Carl coughed… channel after channel circulated case after case of
coronavirus confirmed. Cease congregating, converging, crowding,
Carl coughed…cough, cough. Carl caught the covid by chance!
…Carl caught sight of a conundrum…
…Carl made a creature comparison….
Contemplation cut in on Carl’s convictions…
Carl was crushed as chaos coursed through center of his cranium.
Carl’s customs & comfort changed cos of COVID-19.
Carl changed.
Carl considered his crooked and criminal concept canceled out his
The global contagion coronavirus changed Carl.
Carl thought …[cough] …all creatures, collectively [including Carl], are
closely connected.
You’re able to justify anything if you want to…
….what difference does it matter?
Commodified creatures cramped, chock-full, constricted, confined, compact, clogged, choked, congested, crowded, crushed, chockablock, & crammed nose to ass in cement containers.
They have no choice but to shit upon, and be shat on, by one another.
They eat, sleep, & drink [if they’re lucky] in shit, blood, piss, puss, and
are chock full of illness.
A habitat of virus…infections…
They get loaded with antibiotics, hormones, Prozac….then, they’re fucking
…cos you wanna chew on their corpses.
©Heidi Coon, 2022
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