Jenny MoxhamI Only Saw Her For An Instant
By Jenny Moxham
An Animal Rights Poem from

All of God's creatures have rights, a fact that most people don't seem to recognize. This includes both human and non-human animals, but not all of them can speak for themselves.

I Only Saw Her For An Instant
By Jenny Moxham

I only saw her for an instant
As the cattle truck sped by
But that fleeting brief encounter
Was enough to make me cry.

What struck me was her dignity
So regal! Head held high,
And I cried because I knew the way
Too soon, she'd surely die.

She looked every inch a lady
So deserving of respect.
The brutal bloody fate in store
I prayed she'd not suspect.

She'd never harmed a living soul
Yet hands unfit to touch her,
Would soon transform her regal form
And beat and bruise and clutch her.

For her there'd be no comfort
As the 'final hour' drew near.
No loving tender touch
To make it easier to bear.

Instead she'd see the terror
In the frantic fear-filled eyes
Of the ones who went before her,
Then their last blood-curdling cries.

What cruel unjust and callous world
To break this gentle heart,
Eyes glazed with fear, my lovely queen
Would soon be ripped apart.

Watch a wonderful video inspired by this poem

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