Poems of compassion dedicated to the non-human animals who share this planet with us and the people who fight for them.
You’re just another Sadist case
A military grade weapon carrying disgrace
A grip on compassion, you ain’t got a trace
A dirty mouthed smirk plastered on your face
You’re a synthetic killer; not your natural place
Tears are shed for my kind, to kill me- a waste
For you- comeuppance will come! Post haste!
[The blood of a Fudd, my kind wants a taste]
Your barbaric & cruel killing volition
I avoid your kind [innate bipedal suspicion]
The lies that you tell, paint my kind the villain
It’s you & your ilk that crave my blood spilling
Your eager trigger finger ready for killing
This forest is mine, Fudd. You’re unbidden
Voices sing my name. You remain unforgiven
Your killing of my kind is utterly senseless
Because I kill deer? Fudd, I’m morally offenseless
While your ilk lack the most basic moral compass
You camo clad, gun toting, bipedal menace
Traps. Arrows. Bullets. Snares. You lot are relentless
Military costumed, faux apex pretentious
The big, bad lore you use to demonize?
A bounty on my head, the greed monetize
Smear campaign chock full of wolf lies
To trap me, then shoot me, then self aggrandize
May my teeth be the last thing seen by your dark, deadened eyes.
Go on to: Name an Excuse People Use Not
To Go Vegan
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