Lynne GoldsmithSongs of the Unexpected
Animal Rights Poetry By Lynne Goldsmith From

Poems of compassion dedicated to the non-human animals who share this planet with us and the people who fight for them.

Songs of the Unexpected
By Lynne Goldsmith

I wish I could hear you sing
in daylight or moon time,
those songs you spend time on
in that ultrasonic realm
(along with sonic if Alston),
redolent of birdsong
either way.

You are spirited ones
looking for love,
the ones conversing
with neighbors,
allowing each other turns
in conversations of life,
letting yourselves be heard,
song syllables and syntax
changing to social context.

You are the songs, yes,
of the mountains, songs
of the forest floors
songs of the little heart,

soft mystery of mice

that you are.

ŠLynne Goldsmith, 2020

brown Mouse
Image by Sue Rickhuss from Pixabay

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