Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
A Song
As you’re walking along
Lift your eyes and look around,
For you’re going to miss so much
If you’re always looking down.
As you’re walking along
See the wideness of the sky;
In that bigness that you feel
Human smallness passes by.
As you’re walking along
Turn your face up to the sun;
Its warm rays will reach your heart,
Heal your sorrows, every one.
As you’re walking along
Watch the seagull’s soaring flight;
See the petty things down here
Fade and disappear from sight.
As you’re walking along
Feel the gentle falling snow,
Soft and glistening, pure and white,
Making everything like new.
As you’re walking along
See your Father up above
Feeding every tiny sparrow,
Caring for you in His love.
O, lift up your eyes;
Your heart will lift up, too
When you see all the good things
That God has made for you—
© Anne S. Moore, 1/12/82
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