Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Don't. Don't look at me; it's far too late.
Don't touch me; leave me to my fate.
Hunters roving on the waves,
sending great fish to wat'ry graves.
Cutting our fins now we can't swim,
Can you not see the pain I'm in?
Don't. Don't leave me be; it's not too late.
Don't turn away; don't leave me to my fate.
I am just a little kitten,
often kicked and often beaten.
Now I lie here in the gutter,
please don't leave me here to suffer.
Don't. Don't make the Father's creatures cry,
or let them unnecessarily die.
Look after all those in your care,
and include others everywhere
who need a home, love, care, a meal,
for animals, like us, can feel.
Go on to:
Give Me Your Sons
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