Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
(Carl Jung quote)
We all live in a finite world.
Sometimes there is light and when we feel sad there is darkness.
Life is a mixture of both good and the bad,
Speaking from experience that can make us feel very sad,
Other times when things go our way we can feel very glad.
Things happen in life that can disappoint us enormously.
We all wish for a happy life but sometimes circumstances may prevent it from
Even in a single day or hour there could be a mixture of happiness and
We all strive to give our very best.
Sometimes we are forced by circumstances to settle for less.
Only God knows what’s best.
I know if we turn to God we will be blest.
Life is full of ups and downs.
But that’s what makes us human.
We can all adapt to what life throws at us.
Whatever happens in life, embrace it and go with the flow.
Life at times can be negative, but a positive seed we can all sow,
Embrace each day as a divine and beautiful gift.
Such wonders and joy will come and surprise us.
© Andrew Pell 14/03/2021
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Even when we lose a friendship we will always love that person
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