Jenny MoxhamFood for Thought (2013)
By Jenny Moxham
An Animal Rights Poem from

All of God's creatures have rights, a fact that most people don't seem to recognize. This includes both human and non-human animals, but not all of them can speak for themselves.

Food for Thought (2013)
By Jenny Moxham

Why do Christians fail to see
The total incongruity,
Of killing turkeys, pigs and geese
To celebrate a time of peace.

It's obviously quite absurd
To kill a poor wee beast or bird,
To celebrate the day of birth
Of one who called for Peace on Earth.

As published in the Adelaide Advertiser, December 17, 2013

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Food for Thought 2013: Poetry by Jenny Moxham - An All-Creatures Spiritual And Inspirational Archive Poem
Jenny Moxham

Food for Thought 2013
Poetry by Jenny Moxham


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Food for Thought 2013
Poetry by Jenny Moxham

Why do Christians fail to see
The total incongruity,
Of killing turkeys, pigs and geese
To celebrate a time of peace.
It's obviously quite absurd
To kill a poor wee beast or bird,
To celebrate the day of birth
Of one who called for Peace on Earth.

As published in the Adelaide Advertiser, December 17, 2013