Anthony James For the Love of God, Don't Let Go
Poetry By Anthony James
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

For the Love of God, Don't Let Go
Poetry By Anthony James

My life is mine
I am me all the time
And God Loves me fine-

I break my bones
And am often alone
I'm difficult and complicated

I might have let go of God's Hand
But just while I dangle of his Robe's belt-
And the weight of my sins-
Might unknot His Rope
And I drop down low-

And me He scolds
And I grab his Pinky
And I won't let go-

And my hand is back in His Hand

And He scolds me so
When I'm difficult or cold-
And I listen to Him
When He says NO!

And His Hand I will never let go-
Lest His Robe, I hold.

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