Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Daniel (when in Babylon) sought out a diet free of meat,
Knowing that health wise flesh food isn't something that one should eat.
And he was proven to be right, and we will benefit too
If we exclude meat also, keeping it right off our menu.
Though flesh food was permitted after the ending of the Flood,
God said that were one to eat it, it must first be drained of blood.
And hence “every moving thing” would ensure that its bleeding
Could be carried out by those who (here) the Bible were heeding.
And this instruction from the Lord has never been overturned,
Yet, foolishly, humanity, God’s wise ruling here has spurned.
And given that a creature’s blood harbors all the very worst,
It’s no wonder that the flesh eater with ill health is cursed.
Our God knew that evil would (once again) soon overtake man,
And seemingly allowed meat in order to slash man's lifespan.
For malice in the heart of one whose life continued too long
Would multiply in evil, and thereby produce much more wrong.
Right from meat’s introduction one's life span rapidly decreased;
And those indulging in its dangers much sooner were deceased.
And along with shortened stature, human bodies now displayed
The terribly sad results of eating what has never paid.
It was soon after the fall that foolish humans flesh food craved,
And ever with more tragedy has that old pathway been paved.
And though humans have received the penalty of their choosing,
They are still seen eating meat and the butcher’s wares perusing.
The diet that God first gave man, and creatures too, says it all,
So why would any justify meat’s indulgence via the Fall?
And yet, within their thinking, this is exactly what most do,
Even when alternatives are so clearly within their view.
We’re called God’s Holy temple — therefore, this requires action,
'Cause harming such a temple wouldn't be a small infraction.
But hey, where the light shines brighter, surely there we should be found,
Embracing what is better with a thinking that's much more sound.
Material’s available proving that meat is harmful;
Evidence of its damage can be gathered by the armful.
But like the Israelites of old (whose sad demands got them quail),
It’s not until later that some learn that it can make you wail.
The sad results of eating meat are continuing to rise,
Yet, if more made the effort, they would discover what’s more wise.
Although, even when proof’s seen that could save people from such pain,
There are those who’ll still eat meat, thus giving its harm free reign.
And another thing...
Some creatures God banned as food, and well before the Jewish law,
And Noah, these same unclean creatures, also knew of before.
And yes, God’s wise restrictions still have validity today,
For they’re verified by science and by lives that God obey.
Not all that our God permitted met with His full approval,
And hence why our health is better once we’ve seen meat’s removal.
Our Creator knows what’s best and desires that all return
To that diet He first gave — lest we, the hard way have to learn.
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