Andrew PellHow Easily We Stumble
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

How Easily We Stumble
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

How easy is it for us to stumble.
It is our human heritage.
At times we fidget and fumble.
As if we are entrapped in a cage

When our minds are on ourselves we find
We're not watching where we're going
Selfishness will make us blind
And happen, without us ever knowing

We must open our minds to see clearly now
The path will open before us
Prayer and meditation will show us how.
We will be guided without any fuss.

Be careful the ground doesn't rise up and hit us in the face
As we run at top speed to nowhere
It is not important where we are in the race
Just how much of ourselves we share

Focus on the experience of life
Enjoy being alive and well
Negativity will lead us into strife
Kindness and love are good stories to tell

So if you stumble pick yourself up
And surrender your failure to your Creator
Mistakes comes easy to us humans but
repent...sooner than later!

© Andrew Pell

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