Andrew PellIf Mum’s were flowers I’d pick you
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

If Mum’s were flowers I’d pick you
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

(A lovely quote embroidered on a cushion)

What beautiful words they echo.
They unconditionally loved us, these words are true.
When we see a beautiful flower we stop and think of Mum.
They worked tirelessly for us till day was done.
God gave them a unique gift of nurturing and caring.
As most children we probably at times behaved badly.
Never the less our Mum’s loved us and did everything gladly.
When you see a beautiful flower, pick it and bring it home.
You will think of Mum and never be alone.
Our Mothers will always be there in our hearts and minds.
Such a treasure will you rarely find.
Our Mothers taught us to be generous and kind.
If Mum’s were flowers I’d pick you.
Trust me my friends these words are true.
Thank you Mum for all you have done.
Without you, life’s battle would not have been won.

© Andrew Pell 10/11/2020


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