Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
The eve of destruction may indeed be near.
Yet to my bed each night I go without fear.
For my Lord your loving voice I too do hear.
Warning me to look around at the things I see.
The way the world has now come to be.
Showing me a place filled with hate and misery.
As in the Middle East the violence does flare.
How sinfully many act in lust and without care!
Even as the end of the world they may well share.
Of their fellow man they care not if others kill.
As their cups they only desire to know how to fill.
For in lust and greed they live as they will.
Yes my Lord I worry about what I hear and see.
They don’t want to see what you have shown me.
How to live in your love throughout eternity!
Thus I’ll do my worrying as days go by.
Each day I’ll try not to show the tears I cry.
For my Lord I fear the world is going to die.
Written February 19, 2011
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