Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
If I called you on the phone, Yet your answering machine stayed on ...
If I had great news to share, But, you really didn't want to hear ...
If I knocked on your front door And you pretended not to be there ...
If instead, on my birthday, You invited another to play ...
If you had a big party, In honor of my worst enemy ...
If, invited, you slept in Without visiting me, your best friend ...
What kind of friend would you be? Christ said, "You have done it unto me."
When have you done this to your Lord? Neglecting prayer, not reading the sword,
Ignoring his words to you, Christmas, Halloween, missing church, too.
What kind of friend will you be? All Jesus wants for Christmas is thee.
Ro. 8:1
All He Wants Is Your Heart.
© 2002 by Joyce C. Lock
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