Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Never lose hope, never let love fade away.
His work was doing God’s work and being the Master Builder of Men’s Souls.
Always working, always building, there was never any lull.
For Jesus mission in Life was never dull.
His Love for God’s people and for God’s work was total and complete.
He was not a television evangelist in some hotel suite.
Also he understood, there was only a short time to do his Father’s work.
It wasn’t a desk job with lots of Paper work.
In just three years this man of God changed the known world.
His Divine mission was never blurred or adjourned.
There was no time for a holiday or for a short break.
His mission was saving souls for his Fathers sake.
His mission was of the utmost importance.
He did his Father’s will with such calmness.
This act of total and divine Love would change the world forever.
To the will of his Father, it was complete and utter surrender.
The world was changed and once more reconciled to the God of Love.
The Angels and the Heavenly Hosts rejoiced in Heaven above.
The sacrifice was made once for all time for all.
It is now for mankind to do his part and heed the call.
(c) Andrew Pell 04/04/2020
Go on to Jesus Lord
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