Andrew PellOur Journey in life is a holy one
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Our Journey in life is a holy one
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

We are here at this point in time.
God decreed it is our life to serve and be served.
God’s wonderful architecture is truly divine.
Even though we are physical beings the spirituality of life is real.
Whatever our job is, we give our best, and we do it for God.
Embrace the beauty and divinity all around us.
Give thanks to God every single day,
In the morning we cry Father, help us to pray.
We listen to God what God has to say.
It makes no difference whether we are an accountant or missionary.
Be at peace love one another, as God loves you and me.
It is God’s love that can truly set us free,
Our Journey in life is a holy one.
From that very moment we start the battle is won.

© Andrew Pell 10/10/2020

(This Picture is in the Public domain)

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