J. R. Hyland OUR LEADERS TAKE US: Poetry By J. R. Hyland - A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from All-Creatures.org

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.


Behaviorists crawl painfully
Upon the surface of the earth,
telling their discovery;
speaking with authority;
eschewing all philosophy;
disclaiming any deity.

Their eye and mind trained on the grain
Of sand, clutched tightly in their hand,
they only see myopically,
and can’t discern the unity
of dust, with all infinity;
nor understand reality.

Messiah-like they lead the way
Beyond the concepts that we know,
To paradise, where outlines gleam
And flicker in the torch-lights beam;
Showing man again supreme --
In caves of atavistic dream.

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