Poetry By John CannonSacred Places
Poetry By John Cannon From All-Creatures Animal Rights and Inspirational Poetry Archive

Animal Rights, Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Sacred Places
By John Cannon

these protected lands and waters
that have become sanctuary villages

for plants and animals
that don’t thrive near human activity,

these precious, magic places
where peace and quiet are the norm,

these gathering places
where natives, immigrants, and migrants

all live in concert
with Mother Nature’s laws.

We enter
with reverence,

moving as slowly
and quietly as we can,

even though we know
that hundreds of living beings

with senses so much finer than our own
are acutely aware of our presence.

We pause often, hoping to reassure,
and when we are still and silent
for a long, long time,

amazing beauties
and blessings
are revealed.

Images by Sharon Fisher:

Gold Finch
Gold Finch

Columbine flower

Spicebrush Lilly
Butterfly and Spicebrush Lilly

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