Spiritual recognitions, intimacies
Poetry by Peter Menkin

A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from All-Creatures.org

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Spiritual recognitions, intimacies
Poetry by Peter Menkin

You were there, and I knew you tangible from love and
desire, recollected: the fine mind, and education,
the religion and spiritual teachings held privately with
a modesty in respect for reverent teachers.

Your prayers were those I listened to as you offered
mention to God for the women of the Church.

Jesuit minds have instilled in you, spiritual strength,
stranger known to me in the bread and wine--the
willingness to wear a silver cross. More beautiful because
you express pain and love for the world in its excess,
of so much evil. Forgive me I had to notice you in
communion, in archtype as woman seeking the divine
on the mountain in winter by the Pacific Ocean:
Vistas of rock, Route 1, Big Sur

Edge of the world, of the awe consistent:

We are at the place of prayer tangible Christological; an
immensity of the burning fire with white in Trinity,

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