Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
God looks down with pitying eyes,
The souls of the righteous can be heard in the cries.
Man in his wickedness does not repent.
God’s wrath will fall like cement.
Mankind has the opportunity to live in peace.
When all wars and earthly troubles cease,
Meditate on the paradise lost.
The evildoers claim to be boss.
We were created to be in union with God.
This is the way our very fathers trod.
Our hearts are full of shame.
Life on earth is not a spiritual game.
Accept God and his total love now.
Jesus will show us how.
Tomorrow may be too late.
By then God may have already shut the gate.
Seek the Lord while he still may be found.
This idea is very sound,
It is not deep and profound.
Be at peace and show love to all life.
This can be the escape from sorrows and mortal strife.
The Golden rule, Love God, love one another.
Treat all life as your sister and brother.
© Andrew Pell 24/09/2013
They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds with power and great glory"
(Mat 24.30)
Public Domain Image (C.E.Price)
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