Andrew PellThe Door
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

The Door
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

When darkness and despair overwhelm us at times,
Think of the springtime that follows the fall.
See the new growth and the wondrous array of flowers;
Take a look at the trees, so lush and green standing tall.

When there are feelings of disappointment and gloom,
Think of the laughter, the joy, the good times we have felt.
See how the Sun brings light and warmth, let it enter your heart, there is room.
Let the light enter our Souls, See how the sadness can melt.

Life is like the four seasons on this earth,
One season follows the other; it is our journey we all must face.
Look within oneself, there you will find the divine.
That divine presence will always be there, let it consume you, God embrace.

When there is no music, life can be sad,
Open your senses to the divine melody that is always sounding.
Once that melody touches your soul, you will be so glad.
Once you have found it, your heart and soul will eternally sing.

Sorrow is transient and will not last.
All hurt and sadness will be a distant memory in the past.
Allow the Christ within to transform and heal.
In your heart he has placed his most sacred seal.

The door is ajar. Open it wide.
Allow the king of Kings to enter in.
Once the King has entered through the door.
There in your heart he will always abide.

© Andrew Pell 2003

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