Andrew PellThe Evolutionary Christ
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

The Evolutionary Christ
Poetry and Music By Andrew Pell

As young children we view Christ in a narrow way.
As we get older and wiser our thoughts change, experience has its say.
As our understanding of Christ changes, our thoughts begin an evolutionary journey.
As adults we either let Christ go, or the true Christ we clearly see.
If we let Christ go, spiritually we have nothing to show.
If we accept Christ we will have many good deeds to sow.
Yet even in our adult life understanding brings on certain maturity.
Christ has embarked on an evolutionary journey.
As we have the capacity to understand, more and more will be revealed.
The truth of Christ will never be sealed.
This was the same with the early Church.
Christ did not want the converts to simply sit on their perch.
As they developed wisdom more was revealed to the select few.
The revelations were entirely new.
Christ on the Cross- began an evolutionary journey.
This journey continues today that all who understand will be set free.

© Andrew Pell 2012

The Evolutionary Christ

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