Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
I hear multitudes of gladness when I in silence
Even on a day hushed and still,
It is all of Nature's voices I hear singing to my
And I never seem to ever get my fill;
The sun shines down around me giving day its'
On her back at night lays soft pale moon,
There are days rains fall from Heaven giving Earth
A drink...
But whatever comes the Birds give joyful tune;
The fragile, dainty Butterflies and Fireflies at
The fragrant, lovely Flowers on a hill...
The Life which lives in wetlands, in forests' deepened
Life's diversity gives my heart a thrill;
Baby Bunnies leap for Joy in morning dew and mist
I watch a Hawk soar far above Earth Mother...
Wild Horses run the deserts free of man, of bridle,
This Freedom that they know is like no other!
This Earth, our only Mother, so gently on her tread
Our flesh is hers, her creatures are our kin...
Her Trees are lungs of Earth, her Rivers give us Life
To destroy God's gift is mankind's greatest Sin!
I love the woodsy smell of pine on walks I take alone
I see many kinds of Life rich and rare...
All of Life is Sacred and all Life is connected...
And all of Life is under God's Holy care....
(c) M. Linda Steffey 1998
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