The Melody Of The Bible Spoken And Said
Poetry by Peter Menkin

A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

The Melody Of The Bible Spoken And Said
Poetry by Peter Menkin

You cause my yearnings,
speakers so fluid as doves
lovely messengers, you bring
me to desire the Gospel
words that make
New Testament.

Desire to hear of Him,
those fruits given
with mercy, healing
in his blood,
“joy for all the members
in the sorrows of the Head.”

Such sounds man and woman
speak aloud, the words
of these sacred alliterations.

I want to hear you
read from the lectern;
hear: alit with candles
burning with life. Gift.
Church is for hearing
the Word.
Spoken and said.

In worship we live
to know the glimpse
of Easter promise.
Eloquent beauty, eternal.
These all are
there, today. Loves
sorrow, ache, reward.
Alive. You.

Easter people, they
call your name.
Revere you; Hallowed Easter.

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