Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Did he really know, just what he was doing in Jesus’ day?
He worked upon the soul of Jesus, for forty days in many a way.
When he had failed in those efforts, what did he do?
He followed Jesus, in search of someone new.
He watched and listened, waiting for the time that was right.
Silently he waited, his turn to talk to the Apostles somewhere in the night.
He waited in the shadows, and the darkness of night.
He waited and planned, for when the time was right.
When the time was right, he spoke to one and to all.
Constantly he waited, for just one to answer his call.
And one did answer his call as the scriptures do say.
One answered his call, as the Tempter he could not chase away.
Try though Judas did, the temptations were too great.
Try though he may, the Tempter had sealed his fate.
But did the Tempter realize what he was doing back in that day.
Much was learned to fight him back then, the scriptures do say.
Did the Tempter realize that Jesus came because of him?
Did he know with the death of Jesus, our sins would be taken up with Him?
And if the Tempter knew of this, as in prophecies it was fore told.
Would he have tempted Judas, or even acted as he did, or so bold!
For by the Tempter’s actions, the prophecies he did give a lift.
He lifted them up, and insured mankind of God’s gift.
Yet he tempted man to do what he thought was right.
Instead he took us out of his darkness, and gave us Jesus as our light.
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Poetry By Patrick N. Kramer
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