Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
It is oh too often that we live with sorrow.
Yet live we do, going on into the next tomorrow.
For today has come to be.
It has brought what it could to me.
What today brought I can not send away.
Thus this day of sorrow is ended in this way.
This day of sorrow has ended, with many a memory of days gone by.
This day of sorrow has ended, with eyes that are red for I did cry.
This day of sorrow has ended, with my asking God as to why.
This day of sorrow is one, brought on when my loved one did die.
This day of sorrow has ended, and life has not ended for me.
This day of sorrow has ended, and I have many more yet to be.
Many more days of sadness are yet to come for me.
Many more days of the year will not be as they use to be.
Many days of the year will never again be the same.
Still my love of God I shall always continue to always claim.
Continue to claim my love for God, for it is meant to be.
Love my God I shall, for my loved one is now with thee.
Yet I shall also remember the days gone by.
I will remember this day of sorrow, and how I did cry.
I will remember the many things, from days of long ago.
I will remember the important things, for me to know.
I will remember this day, of sadness and with God some day I too will go.
I will remember this day, and why it came to be, this I may never know.
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Poetry By Patrick N. Kramer
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