Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Tell me, friend, where are the men, who will call a spade a spade, Who’ll dare to be a Daniel, and of man are not afraid? Those men who’ll sound the trumpet, and for lost and faint will scan, Men prepared to give their lives, should it suit their Master’s plan?
Tell me, friend, where are the men, men whose lives reflect their Lord’s, Men who’ll sacrifice to give, and forgo, earthly rewards? Those men who love their Saviour, men who love their fellowman, Men who’ll shelve their own desires, for their Master’s greater plan?
Tell me, friend, where are the men, who’ve a purpose and vision, Men busy on God’s errands, and who success envision? Those men who’re faithful and true, who God’s Holy Word uphold, Men who trust and obey God, men who will not bend or fold?
Tell me, friend, where are the men, who, for Christ’s sake, seek to ask, Men who, despite derision, remain focused on their task? Those men who’ll serve their Master, men who won’t be bought or sold, Men principled and moral, men who’ll break the current mould?
Tell me, friend, where are the men, who others’ rights will defend, Who’ll champion good causes, build bridges, and fences mend? Those men who will be a voice, along with being a light, Men balanced, controlled, and wise, who error dismiss outright?
Tell me, friend, where are the men, who delight to do God’s will, Who daily from His fountain, mind and heart with His things fill? Those men who’ve sensed their duty, and with Scripture, are now armed, Aware that they’ve a mission, that will fail if they’re unarmed?
Tell me, friend, where are the men, those men who won’t grow weary, Those men that God can count on, who self and pride will bury? Men who’ll dare to be a Daniel, men who’ll dare to stand alone, Yes, men who’ll witness boldly, be their Master’s megaphone?
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White Lies And Pranks
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