Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Why does the nations conspire?
Do they want to set the world on fire?
The wars and rumours of wars are what are foretold.
Weapons and violence are openly sold.
We plummet towards Armageddon.
Yet we don’t understand the biblical lesson.
Nation will rise against Nation.
Peace without God is such a ridiculous notion.
We can’t change Governments, but we can change our very being.
It comes down to individually controlling our innermost feelings.
God can only provide peace in this dark time of Peril.
Man himself has become very feral.
Man’s arrogance will bring the final path of destruction.
It will come upon us with such an eruption.
God then will step in and intervene.
Then and only then true peace will be seen.
© Andrew Pell 28/10/07
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