Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
I was once asked why I write the poems as I do.
I write the ideals and thoughts that come to me when they are new.
I write them to allow my thoughts to be kept and heard.
I wrote them at first for me to study upon each and every word.
At first I simply wrote them and kept them from your view.
In time I realized they were a gift and should not be kept form you.
And so I now allow them to be seen and read as I now do.
God gave me the talent to write them and share them with you.
Keeping, them to myself as I was, now that was wrong of me!
A realization I have observed for now my poems are for all to see.
Read and enjoyed by one and all I do so hope and pray.
For many have been lost for I, simply tossed them away.
A mistake I made more than once throughout my years.
A mistake I made because of what I call my simple fears.
A mistake I have now rendered thanks to my friends I have now.
Thanks to my friends and their words my poems can be read as you do now.
A first I was not sure if they were good enough for others to see.
My friends who first read them said they were composed wonderfully.
Composed well with meanings within the words!
Meanings they felt should be read and sometimes even heard.
And so to you my reader I give my gift to you.
I give my gift of words may they bring happiness to you.
A gift of words God gave to me once upon one other day.
A gift I enjoy allowing to you to read upon this very day.
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