Prayers of Compassion
The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation
Dedicated to cruelty free living through a vegan lifestyle.
Prayers of Compassion from
Our Newest Prayer Booket:
- A Christmas Prayer For Animals By Jenny Moxham
- A Christian Prayer for Animal Welfare By Judy Carman
- A Holiday Prayer
- Alpha and Omega By May Tripp, a founder of Animal Christian Concern
- A Morning Prayer when Mourning By Carol J. Adams
- An Invocation By The Rev. Henry Primat, D.D. - Anglican Priest - 1772
- A Prayer a Day for the Animals
- A Prayer and Benediction of Life and Love By Michael Klaper, MD
- A Prayer For Animals By Albert Schweitzer
- A Prayer for Animals Attributed to St. Basil
- A Prayer for Animals in Laboratories By Frank L. Hoffman
- A Prayer For the Animals By Ruth Ellen Bates
- A Prayer for Strength to Be Advocates for JusticeBy Tams Nicholson
- A Rite of Commitment By Deborah Jones
- A Thanksgiving Prayer
- Easter / Resurrection Day Prayer
- Enlarge Within us a Sense of Fellowship by St. Basil - 375 AD
- Father in Heaven, Thank you... By Laticia McDonald
- Father, please intervene By Kathy Dunn
- Father, thank you for your son By Laticia McDonald
- Father, We Thank Thee
- Invocation for the Memorial Service for Animals By Lois Phemister
- International Respect for Chickens - By Judy Carman
- I pray for Christ’s spirit of peace By Jaye Wald
- Let me Make a Difference By Jenny Moxham
- Lord, Renew Your Church By Roslyne Smith
- Loving Creature of the universe... By Edward Idarraga
- May the People of the World See the Truth By Ellie Law
- My ThanksVegan Prayer By Claudia Emerson
- Now I Lay me Down to Sleep By Tammy C. Smith
- O Lord, we ask you to look upon your whole creation
- O Lord, we pray for your whole creation
- Prayer For All Creatures By Noelene Sanderson
- Prayer for Animals and Animal Rights Activists By TS Nicholson
- Prayer for Liberation of Brother and Sister Animals From South African Animal Rights Activists Community
- Prayer for the Annual Season of Nonviolence By Judy Carman
- Prayer for the Creatures By Noelene Sanderson
- Prayer For The Earth By Robyn L. Stacey
- Prayer Of A Stray - Anonymous
- Prayers Of Intercession For Use At A Pet Blessing Service By Rev. James Thompson
- Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi
- The Lord's Brayer By Brian Narelle
- The Universal Prayer Circle for Animals
- The Universal Prayer Circle for Animals
- Women's Day for all feminine nature
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