A Sentience Article from All-Creatures.org

More Humans Should Ask Themselves Why Anyone Should Care About Their Suffering

From Unparalleled Suffering
July 2023

The Golden Rule: treat others the way you'd like to be treated.... Humans and non-humans share so much in common. But you only want to see the differences because it helps you justify the torturous life you inflict on them. 

pig wrestling
A team of 4 pig haters capture a pig in a tiny, inescapable, mud-filled ring and dump them inside of a metal barrel at the Sheridan, Wyoming County Fair pig wrestling event.

You don't want to suffer for someone else to live in luxury.

You call it corrupt when you are born into this world with the sole purpose of serving other humans with more privilege than you to help them rise to the top while you suffer.

You call it unjust when people discriminate against you based off appearance, perceived intelligence, ability, cultural norms, and language.

You say it's inexcusable to murder entire subgroups or nations of people to harness resources from them without their consent.

Yet, you do it all to other animals without consideration for them or any modicum of remorse.


Please read the ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.


state fair live births
An industrial pig ‘farmer’ inside the Animal Learning Center at the Iowa State Fair by sows who were brought to the fair to give birth in front of live audiences. His shirt says “We Care | Animals | Environment | People.”

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