Our review highlights the numerous cognitive capacities found in insects, which shows that there is more to insects than we often realize.
The topics of insect cognition and sentience are highly
controversial and hotly debated.1 I recently read an essay by insect
sentience experts Helen Lambert, Angie Elwin, and Neil D’Cruze
called “Wouldn’t hurt a fly? A review of insect cognition and
sentience in relation to their use as food and feed,” in which these
researchers conclude that there is evidence of impressive cognitive
capacities and sentience in a range of insect species, and I’m
pleased that Helen could take the time to answer a few questions
about this most important piece.2 Here’s what she had to say.
Why did you write “Wouldn’t hurt a fly”?
Society is becoming ever more conscious of the negative impacts that
industrial-scale farming is having on the welfare of animals and the
environment. A lot of attention recently has focused on finding
alternative, sustainable, and humane solutions to meet the huge
global demand for protein to feed people and livestock. One proposed
solution is to step up the production of edible insects, given that
they offer such a rich source of protein and can be produced with
relatively fewer environmental impacts. In fact, the edible insect
industry has seen a huge spike in interest over the past decade, not
only among NGO’s and scientists, but insects are also actively
promoted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
(FAO) as the “future prospect for food and feed security.”