38 Bears Rescued from Bear Bile Farms
Animal Stories from All-Creatures.org


Born Free USA
May 2015

bear bile
The moon bear was forced to live in pain in the cramped coffin-like metal cage for years while bile was drained from his gall bladder. Some bears have been confined like this for decades...

We recently asked you to urge Vietnamese authorities to allow Animals Asia to rescue 19 dying bears from illegal bear bile farms in Halong Bay, Vietnam.

Great news... Not only will these 19 bears be rescued, but so will the remainder of all bile-farmed bears in Quang Ninh province (38 bears total)!

The following is a heartfelt message of thanks from Animals Asia founder and CEO, Jill Robinson:

None of this would have been possible without the help of people across the world championing the bears, with endless thanks to our friends at Born Free who shone such a massive spotlight on this issue.

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