Andy's Expressive Eyes...
Animal Stories from


Jenny Brown
January 2018

I was devastated to learn a few days ago that a very dear friend had passed away. I wish I had had the chance to say goodbye and kiss Andy one last time.

Pig Andy
Jenny on the left... Andy on the right...

From the moment Doug and I picked him up in 2008 from a farm on the verge of sending him to his death, I knew we would be friends—even though he gave us hell trying to get him on the trailer to get him to safety. His expressive eyes, friendly vocalizations and non-subtle ways of letting you know he’d like a belly rub made it easy to fall in love with him so I know I’m not the only one grief-stricken by his death.

He was one of the lucky ones.

Few pigs will ever know the life that he led which was one surrounded by love and comfort.

Rip my sweet friend. I hope there is a heaven for animals because I know that’s where you’ll be - and the thought helps keep me sane.

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