Our grand old lady, Bua Kham passed away
Animal Stories from All-Creatures.org

FROM Elephant Nature Park
November 2020

Fifteen years ago we rescued Bua Kham from a tourist riding camp. Her health status then did not allow her to serve for riding any more. The camp owner asked us to take her, as he was unable to look after a sick elephant. Bua Kham came to us with her physical and mental issues, but when she found the herd in her new home, love brought her back to life.

Elephant Bua Kham
Bua Kham...

All Dear Friends,

With our deepest sadness, today we have to share you our heartbreaking news.

Our grand old lady, Bua Kham passed away. For some years she has not been well, as a lifetime of overwork and abuse will have its toll on an aging body. It was a love for her adopted son, Navaan, that brought to her much joy, and the strength and will to live.

Recently, she has been up and down with health issues, sometimes laying down a day and a night, under medical care, and, with us thinking the worst, yet only to be found standing again the next morning. With Navaan close to her, she mustered always a greater resilience to her personal suffering. Acting strong for her boy, she would rise again, walking to the river to splash about before returning to eat and strive yet another day.

Fifteen years ago we rescued Bua Kham from a tourist riding camp. Her health status then did not allow her to serve for riding any more. The camp owner asked us to take her, as he was unable to look after a sick elephant. Bua Kham came to us with her physical and mental issues, but when she found the herd in her new home, love brought her back to life.

Over the years, Bua Kham had been nanny to several babies. Bua Kham was somewhat possessive, and was prone to kidnap a baby away from her mother and pretend that the child was her own baby. This can be understood, as is tragically common when a baby is sold away from their mother into another service, the angst of loss will last a lifetime. It was the arrival of Navaan who filled her life. She dearly loved him and devoted her heart and care to him. The boy had an affection for her which rivaled that of his own mother.

Elephant Navaan Bua Kham
Bua Kham and Navaan...

When Navaan was growing up, he could play too rough, pushing hard with the nannies and sometimes with his tusks, injuring them. One day he bit Bua Kham's tail which required a lot of medical attention, but she always came back to her adopted boy with a full heart. She loved him so unconditionally.

For us, Bua Kham holds dear many beautiful memories, coming to our project from an earlier time, and such an integral part of our beloved family. A couple of days ago, she was eating well and had a presence of strength. We thought that she will fight again. But yesterday evening, we can see that her life had come to a more final light. She lay down to rest, and it was not so long that she passed away in her sleep.

Deep thanks to our vet team, and to Pom Jittra Chakan who took great care of Bua Kham for years. A special thanks to her mahout who slept near to Bua Kham to monitor her well being until the end of her days.

R.I.P our beautiful grand nanny, Bua Kham!

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