33 Cotton-Tops Arrive at Jungle Friends
Animal Stories from All-Creatures.org


Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary
May 2015

These monkeys represent the final group of cotton-tops being released from a university research lab that is closing its doors.

On April 22, 2015 we welcomed 33 cotton-top tamarins to their new home at CottonTopolis. These monkeys represent the final group of cotton-tops being released from a university research lab that is closing its doors. If you remember, we received the first group last June and a second group in October of last year.

Construction for CottonTopolis began on Feb. 2 with the arrival of the building for the monkeys' indoor enclosures. From that day, it took our team less than three months to run water and electrical lines; build and install both indoor enclosures and outdoor habitats; construct and connect runways between habitats; and finalize landscaping, whew!

Meet three of 33:

rescued cotton-top
Alana is bold and beautiful and as you can see, she really enjoys showing off her belly tattoo. Alana is a "sturdy girl".

rescued cotton-top
Pretty Girl is diabetic and she loves nothing more than food! She is a champion eater!

rescued cotton-top
Sir William is a single fellow and very curious. Although he prefers to watch the world from the safety of his nest box.

This June, 57 squirrel monkeys are retiring from research. Construction for their new homes at Jungle Friends Primate Sanctuary has begun! These monkeys will be directly across from OZ, so their area will be called Emerald City. All we need is a Yellow Brick Road! Please donate.  

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