Now nicknamed “Mr. Independent,” Kewpie can go to the bathroom easier, stand up, and also is rebuilding strength in his legs because of the device.
Kewpie the Rescued Opossum is Walking Again with Help of Custom
A Virginia opossum named Kewpie, who was rescued by a certified wildlife
rehabilitator and struggled to walk, has reclaimed his independence with a
custom-made wheelchair that now helps him zoom around and go on adventures.
Wildlife Rehabber Tonya Poindexter, the founder of the Wilderness Trail
Wildlife Center in London, Ky., found Kewpie as a baby. The tiny animal
likely had been attacked by a cat, was missing an eye, and also was anemic,
Poindexter told People.
With professional care, Kewpie recovered. But then, around four months ago,
he got an ear infection. The condition cleared, but Kewpie was acting
differently; he seemed to be struggling to walk.
X-rays showed osteoporosis and scoliosis, which came along with a diagnosis
of arthritis. Even though Kewpie is approaching “senior” status for an
opossum around age two, Poindexter wanted him to continue to have optimal
quality of life.
She reached out to New Hampshire-based animal mobility specialist Walkin’
Pets, who designed their first-ever wheelchair for opossum.
“Now with the wheels, he’s got some dignity again,” Poindexter said.
The contraption took some getting used to, but the intelligent Kewpie
quickly realized the benefit of the wheels, she added.
“He likes to go on his own adventures,” the Center posted on Facebook in
mid-February. “He still has a lot to figure out about his new
transportation, but he seems to already be getting the hang of it and knows
that he can get to places much faster and without as much effort.”
Now nicknamed “Mr. Independent,” Kewpie can go to the bathroom easier, stand
up, and also is rebuilding strength in his legs because of the device,
Yahoo! News reported.
His journey has inspired a social media following and donations for his care
and medications, and he’s doing great, Poindexter added.
The Center said in a March 3 Facebook post that Kewpie was “feeling pretty
good this morning,” following physical therapy, red light therapy, and
aquatics exercises.
The video shows him joyfully exploring and walking around – without his
Lady Freethinker is heartened by the compassionate action taken on behalf of
this precious opossum, whose release to the wild wasn’t possible because of
his numerous medical conditions.
We’d also like to remind our readers that opossums are wild animals and
should never be kept as pets, approached in the wild, or handled or cared
for by any one other than certified wildlife rehabilitators.
If you find injured or orphaned wildlife — especially since spring is “baby”
season — please first check in with a wildlife center near you BEFORE
attempting to help or remove the animal. Please be aware that housing and
caring for wild animals of any species requires permits and certifications
in most states, and that certified wildlife rehabilitators are an injured or
orphaned animal’s best chance at survival.
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