Animal Stories from

The man who used to hate Cats

From Ligia Monzoni, PAUW Post Animal Use World
June 2024

Joel learned to love these little inquisitive-spirit creatures who quite often are pure enjoyment and their most favorite playmate is typically a trusted and loved human companion.

Joel loves cats

I met Joel by the end of 2006. The love spark was instant. After a year and a half of dating, we moved in together. Plans for a future together were becoming real.

We lived in an apartment building. I recall the neighbor across our place had a cat. I remember telling Joel that as soon as we buy a house, I wanted to adopt a cat. Although his reaction was not a definite no, it was not what I wanted, but I was not surprised. Joel did not grow up around cats. His family always had dogs, therefore he considered himself a dog lover, but cats?, not so much, I would say quite the opposite.

In my case since I was a child, I always loved cats. During my early childhood, I have special memories of seeing my uncle Roy laying on the floor and having long conversations with them, as if they understood what he was saying. My brother and myself patiently used to watch these peculiar interactions with our feline family.

I loved their always playful curiosity for their surroundings, their soft vibrating purring and this unpredictable way to show their affection, including a soft eye blink.

Few months later after we got married and bought a house, we got Benito from the SPCA. Any cat owner knows that cats “adopt” their owners and soon it became clear: Benito claimed me as “his possession”. As much as I loved that fact, I was still hoping that Joel still could learn about cats' love and learn to love them as much as I did. Two years passed when I decided that Benito needed a feline company since he was spending too much time alone while we were working. Joel was reluctant to get another one until one day he finally told me that he would go for it, but the next cat would be my full responsibility. Then Nina came along. A sweet adult female calico cat who happily “adopted” Joel. Soon it became clear: she had him "wrapped around her paw".

In the next few months and years, I saw a side of Joel that was unknown for me and probably for him as well. I saw this loving, protective and caring cat-lover emerging before my eyes. It was lovely to witness the deepening of Joel’s attachment to her and see how slowly he was growing in his understanding of the loving way cats show their affection in their very unique way.

Last year we found out that she had a very aggressive type of cancer. The news were devastating, but not surprisingly, I witnessed the patience, care and love he was willing to provide to make sure she would be ok as long as she was around us.

Last April finally we set her free and despite that she left us with broken hearts, her life and presence were a living and loving testimony for us especially Joel. He learned from her to love these little inquisitive-spirit creatures who quite often are pure enjoyment and their most favorite playmate is typically a trusted and loved human companion.

Now he volunteers twice a week for “Forgotten Cats”. He enjoys cleaning, feeding and playing with them twice a week. Who would have said that a few years ago?; for now it is safe to say “Wonders Never Cease”

Posted on June 25, 2024
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