R.I.P. Tuck-Tuck
Animal Stories from All-Creatures.org


Elyse, Karen and Michael Budkie, SAEN Stop Animal Exploitation NOW!
September 2017

Luckily unlike for humans, we are able to grant them relief and die with dignity instead of being forced to suffer and wither away.

Karen, Elyse and I had a very traumatic day yesterday as we struggled and came to terms with putting down Tucker, one of our cats who was an 8 year- old tabby. He was diagnosed with advanced stage metastasized lung cancer.

Life is too short and for those denied/robbed that short time is cut with even a shorter life. This sucks all around! for them plus for all of us who love and care for them as we are left with a huge hole in our hearts because of our love for those close to us as they are now a "was" and will no longer ever be an "are." We will miss him dearly and will be reminded of so much by little things that mattered to him but it had come time to express our ultimate love for Tucker and put aside our need for him physically here and grant him a dignified end to his clear discomfort and inability to truly be Tucker any longer.

He wanted to be a Tucker and have this cancer be gone but alas no one could fix his little body and ultimately an end point was approaching.

Luckily unlike for humans, we are able to grant them relief and die with dignity instead of being forced to suffer and wither away.

R.I.P. Tuck-Tuck! We love you and miss you and so do all of your sisters and brothers!

Tucker cat

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